Living Gluten Free and Loving It!
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- By Lisa Dolan
- Posted in gluten free, gluten free life, hashimoto, non-gmo, Organic, toxins
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I am currently living my life Gluten Free and I have to confess I’m loving it! That is not to say that there haven’t been many challenges along the way. I realize that my health demands that I live a Gluten Free, Non-GMO and “Organic Lifestyle” in every aspect of how I live my life.
I am currently living my life Gluten Free and I have to confess I’m loving it! That is not to say that there haven’t been many challenges along the way. I realize that my health demands that I live a Gluten Free, Non-GMO and “Organic Lifestyle” in every aspect of how I live my life.
I found out that my body is unable to filter toxins properly and get them out of my system. No one wants to ingest toxins but they are a part of everyday life. Food, makeup, cleaning products, skincare, soaps and a huge amount of what we come into contact with every day can seriously affect your health. I have been on a quest to eliminate these harmful toxins from my life and I will be posting some tips and guidelines here to help you do the same.
We will be offering delicious gluten free recipes and tips on how to select Non-GMO and organic ingredients to help live a healthy lifestyle. Along with some reviews of Gluten Free products and even our favorite restaurants that might let you go out for a night on the town or replicate a favorite dish at home. We will be discussing how to limit your exposure to toxins in both the home and work environment. Hopefully these posts are informative but most of all be fun.
So join me in living a life well spent “Living Gluten Free and Loving It.”
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